5 Examples of Parody in The Simpsons

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1. “The Shinning” (“Treehouse of Horror V”)

Elements of Parody:

This episode segment parodies the 1980 horror film “The Shining,” directed by Stanley Kubrick. The story, setting, and character dynamics are similar, but exaggerated for comic effect.

Target of Parody:

The target is the movie “The Shining” and the horror genre more broadly.

Implied Criticism:

The parody criticizes the clichés and tropes of horror films, like the haunted house and the descent into madness due to isolation, by portraying them in a ridiculous and comedic manner.

2. “A Streetcar Named Marge” (Season 4, Episode 2)

Elements of Parody:

This episode parodies Tennessee Williams’ play “A Streetcar Named Desire” by incorporating it into a musical that Marge participates in. Elements like character names, plotlines, and dialogue are adapted and exaggerated.

Target of Parody:

The target is “A Streetcar Named Desire,” as well as the general themes of dysfunctional relationships and the human condition often portrayed in classic American theater.

Implied Criticism:

The episode offers a critique of the melodramatic and often depressing nature of such plays by casting them in a humorous light.

3. “Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie” (Season 4, Episode 6)

Elements of Parody:

The violent cartoon “Itchy & Scratchy” within The Simpsons serves as a parody of the Tom and Jerry series. In this episode, a movie based on “Itchy & Scratchy” is released, mimicking the hype around franchise films.

Target of Parody:

The targets are the Tom and Jerry cartoon series and the phenomenon of turning popular TV shows into movies.

Implied Criticism:

The parody criticizes the gratuitous violence in children’s cartoons and the commercialization of popular culture.

4. “Mr. Plow” (Season 4, Episode 9)

Elements of Parody:

Homer becomes a snowplow driver and adopts the persona of “Mr. Plow.” The episode parodies the advertising strategies businesses use, including catchy jingles and local TV commercials.

Target of Parody:

The target is local business advertising and marketing techniques.

Implied Criticism:

The episode mocks the often cheesy and over-the-top nature of local advertising, suggesting that these tactics can be both ineffective and laughable.

5. “Deep Space Homer” (Season 5, Episode 15)

Elements of Parody:

Homer becomes an astronaut and goes to space, with the episode parodying various aspects of space exploration movies and documentaries, including training montages and mission control dynamics.

Target of Parody:

The target is the genre of space exploration films and the grandiosity often associated with space missions.

Implied Criticism:

The episode satirizes the romanticized portrayal of space travel, highlighting the absurdity of sending an unqualified person like Homer to space and questioning the qualifications of those chosen for such missions.

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