Sean Miller

Sean Miller

I write middle-grade novels, among other things.


Confessions of a Hallway Hustler cover
Journal of a Sneaky Twerp cover
Prezzemolina novel cover
image of goddess Persephone
Three Insight book cover website
Riffing on Strings book cover
Strung Together book cover article screenshot


I'm a former professor of literature. My scholarship focused on the role of the imagination in the sciences.

Now I write middle-grade fiction.

My most recent project is Confessions of a Hallway Hustler: Another Shameless Wimpy Kid Parody.

I'm working on a few new novels more or less simultaneously. You can follow my circuitous writing journey on my blog.

I'm also building an authoritative knowledge base about parody.

I live with my wife and two daughters in Portland, Oregon, USA.

When I'm not writing, I follow a toddler around the neighborhood.

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