Parody Bibliography

Bakhtin, Mikhail. “Rabelais and His World.” Indiana University Press, 1984.Bakhtin, Mikhail. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Edited by Michael Holquist, translated by Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, University of Texas Press, 1981.Caponi, Gena Dagel. Signifyin(g), Sanctifyin’, & Slam Dunking: A Reader in African American Expressive Culture. University of Massachusetts Press, 1999.Dentith, Simon. “Parody.” Routledge, 2000.Double, … Read more

10 Most Significant Parody as Fair Use Cases in U.S. Courts

1. Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. (1994) Court: U.S. Supreme Court Who Won: 2 Live Crew (Campbell)Who Lost: Acuff-Rose Music, Inc.Main Arguments:Acuff-Rose argued that 2 Live Crew’s parody of “Oh, Pretty Woman” infringed on their copyright.2 Live Crew argued that their version was a parody and therefore fair use.Ruling and Reasoning: The Court ruled in … Read more

The Princess Bride: A Study in Parody

Introduction “The Princess Bride” is a 1987 fantasy adventure film directed by Rob Reiner, based on a 1973 novel of the same name by William Goldman. The movie is a blend of romance, adventure, and comedy. It tells the story of Westley, a young man who sets out to rescue his true love, Princess Buttercup, … Read more

Tropic Thunder: A Study in Parody

Introduction “Tropic Thunder” is a comedy film released in 2008, directed by Ben Stiller. The movie falls under the genre of action-comedy and satire. It tells the story of a group of actors who are shooting a war movie in Southeast Asia. Due to a series of mishaps, they find themselves in a real-life conflict … Read more

Pastiche and Parody

Definition of Pastiche Pastiche is a literary and artistic technique where a work imitates the style or character of another work, genre, or author. Unlike parody, pastiche is generally created as a form of homage rather than criticism. It can be a collection of various elements or a single imitation. Etymology and Brief History The … Read more

Verisimilitude and Parody

Definition of Verisimilitude Verisimilitude is a literary term that refers to the believability or the appearance of truth in a work of fiction. It is the quality that makes a story seem real, even if the events and characters are made up. The term is often used to evaluate how well a work of fiction … Read more

Parody and Intertextuality

Definition of Intertextuality Intertextuality is a literary term that refers to the relationship between different texts. Specifically, it’s the way in which one text influences, echoes, or responds to another. This can happen through direct quotations, allusions, or the borrowing of themes, characters, or ideas. Examples of Intertextuality in Literature Significance in Literary Criticism Intertextuality … Read more

Fan Fiction vs Parody: From Homage To Satire

Fan fiction and parody appear to be two sides of the same coin—both are creative reinterpretations of existing works. However, the similarities may end there. Fan fiction often unfolds within the frame of homage; it’s a genre where enthusiasts extend, reimagine, or rewrite stories and characters of beloved works in respectful, yet unendorsed, narratives. These … Read more

US Copyright Law and Parody as Fair Use

Introduction Copyright law in the United States serves as a legal framework designed to protect the intellectual property rights of creators. It grants authors, artists, and other creators exclusive rights to their original works, allowing them to control how these works are used and distributed. However, the law also includes provisions for “fair use,” which … Read more

Comedy and Parody

Introduction The realms of comedy and parody have been intertwined for centuries, each borrowing from and enhancing the other. While both aim to entertain and amuse, their methods, intentions, and impacts can differ significantly. This article offers an in-depth exploration of the relationship between comedy and parody, tracing their historical roots, examining their characteristics, and … Read more

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